Anna Mikura

Stories: 3

Stories by name

El juego del maestro
El juego del maestro
En la Universidad Thompson, los profesores participan en un juego clandestino conocido como Teacher's Pet. Las reglas son las siguientes: 1. Selecciona un estudiante con astucia. 2. Mantén relaciones sexuales con el estudiante en lugares específicos del campus. 3. Quien complete todas las áreas primero se llevará el premio acumulado en efectivo. Pero la regla de oro es: Jamás te dejes atrapar. Este semestre, el profesor de matemáticas Rowen Henderson ha puesto sus ojos en Hayleigh Sullivan, la nueva alumna de su clase. Decidido a ganar el juego este año, está dispuesto a hacer lo que sea para que Hayleigh caiga en su trampa... incluso si eso significa fingir estar enamorado de ella. Sin embargo, cuando el juego se vuelve demasiado arriesgado, ¿qué sucederá cuando Rowen quede atrapado en la red que él mismo ha tejido?
The Russian
The Russian
Rich girl Daniella De Luca had plans to spend spring break partying with friends abroad. Instead, she's been kidnapped by the Russian mafia and dragged halfway across the world. Their leader, Alexei Nikolin, is asking for ten million dollars in ten days. Now, Dani has to find a way to get out or stay alive. After all, she was also a mafioso's daughter, and one man couldn't possibly bring her family down. Nevermind that he was dangerously charming. What was the worst one Russian man could do to her anyway?
Teacher's Game
Teacher's Game
At Thompson University, there's a secret game professors are playing. The name of the game is Teacher's Pet. The mechanics: 1. Pick a student. Choose wisely. 2. Have sex with the student in select locations across campus. 3. Whoever clears all areas first wins the pooled cash prize. The most important rule of all: Don't ever get caught. This term, Math professor Rowen Henderson has set his eyes on Hayleigh Sullivan—the new student in his class. Determined to win the game this year, he'll do anything to make Hayleigh fall right into his trap... even if it means pretending to fall in love with her. But when the stakes get too high, what happens when Rowen gets caught in a snare of his own design?
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